сряда, 23 ноември 2022 г.

Facts (Improved) (Old Work 8/1/17)

 By DeYtH Banger

I have my own theories and conspiracies... and to be honest I feel very outcasty.

And to have them means to live by some other type of rules... if you know what's inside the sausage... you won't ANYMORE eat it. Will ya?

Probably feeling proud or getting too much hungry... you gonna eat everything - but this is other point and perspective. Knowing too much probably this days is very important but from here I will say that I am in the deep... and it's horrible place, you probably already know from my stories.. . But my mind is fucking screw up. I live with facts, I Like to read, as you know when you read my material its like ideology, dogma not the real stuff the concrete facts but little facts and then piff magic.

So here is the thing I enjoy facts!

1. In 2001, Robin Williams visited the gorilla Koko, who was famous for having learned American Sign Language to communicate. Williams called their experience together "mind-altering," and said that they "shared something extraordinary: laughter." Robin even managed to get Koko to smile, something her trainer, Dr. Penny Patterson, said she hadn't done since the death of her gorilla companion Michael over six months prior.

2. When Williams appeared on a 2001 episode of Inside the Actors Studio, he made one audience member laugh so hard that they developed a hernia and had to be "taken away in an ambulance" at the end of the show.

7. Patton Oswalt stood silent, motionless, and expressionless for almost three full minutes in the background of a King of Queens scene as a prank. He apparently forgot about it, but when the scene resurfaced, he called it "EERIE."

When Richard Pryor hosted Saturday Night Live, NBC executives were nervous that the comedian was "too dangerous" for live television, so they insisted that the broadcast be aired with a five-second delay. This set the standard for live television broadcasts, most of which use a five-to-seven-second delay to this day.

15. At the beginning of his career in the 1980s, Chris Rock made Eddie Murphy laugh during a set at the Comic Strip. Rock had a deal with the club's manager that if he stacked chairs, he could perform late at night. One night, Murphy asked Rock when he was performing; Rock, stacking chairs, replied that he wasn't scheduled for that night. So Murphy told the manager to put Rock on next, and during his set, Rock could hear Murphy's trademark laugh.

16. Don Rickles brushed off Frank Sinatra on purpose to impress a woman he was on a date with. When Rickles' date spotted Sinatra in the hotel lounge, she excitedly asked if Rickles knew him. The pair were actually friends, but Rickles talked up their relationship, telling his date that they were like brothers. Then, Rickles privately asked Sinatra to come up to their table and greet him. Sinatra did it, and when he asked how Rickles was, Rickles replied, "Not now, Frank. Can’t you see I’m with somebody?”

20. Jim Gaffigan performed stand-up comedy for the pope. When Pope Francis visited Philadelphia in 2015, Gaffigan was the only comedian tapped to perform for the "Festival of Families" attended by the pope. Right before he performed, Gaffigan joked that he was waiting for an organizer to apologize to him and explain that they got him mixed up with Stephen Colbert (another famous comedic Catholic).

Here are tips for writing

How to Write Jokes – In Summary

– Find a writing method that works for you.

– Write as much as possible – not every joke has to be good.

– Pay attention to every word, even syllable, as well as the syntax, grammar, rhythm and even the length of pauses in your joke.

– Test material on a live audience – work-in progress nights are perfect for honing your jokes.

– Allow yourself to pursue tangents, ad-lib, interact with audiences when live on stage – you never know where it might take you and what material you may discover.

– Be honest – write about your own opinions and experiences as much as possible – don’t deliver material that doesn’t feel like you.

– Try and connect your material – work on how each jokes fits with the next and the overall set.

– Be succinct – remove anything superfluous from your joke until you have the bare bones.

– Constantly refine and rewrite your material.  


When is about being dumb and without support evidence we could cut it over here. You could stop reading and just enjoy your life.

Have you ever believed in happiness?
It’s a chemical reaction is a natural chemicals getting in your head, that’s all chemistry nothing special.

Drugs are just fake aids

Have you Ever been dumb and thought suicidal thoughts will go away?
- I have, they never go away they just transform, when you go out you go with suicidal vest

Have you ever believed that white pigeons bring luck or money are made from eggs?
- Under eggs I mean scrambled eggs, I have believed in that. So without support of evidence please be dismissed.

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