четвъртък, 23 август 2018 г.

Review: Tough Times Never Last, but Tough People Do!

Tough Times Never Last, but Tough People Do! Tough Times Never Last, but Tough People Do! by Robert H. Schuller
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

"What gives some person the power to fight on after the loss of a precious loved one, after experiencing torturing physical pain day after day? There is no substitute for deep abiding faith. If we hold on, we will win out! Unquestionably the profound faith and the beautiful providence of God produce a strong and unquenchable optimistic mental attitude."

- I saw this paragraph... and I am not interested in continue the book... this guy is fucked up...


God doesn't exist
If god existed... who tha fack will leave the creature who look like him... in depressive and stressful state?

I like how the whole thing things started
the tip like "Keep Going..."

View all my reviews

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