четвъртък, 30 май 2019 г.

Comedy: Bible 6

By DeYtH Banger

Fourscore?… What the hell… who the hell tells  which team gets score?
.. 6 years Abraham..
 How about go grab a large cup of … sip of object.

"I am almighty God"

- Yeah you… you selfish… disgusting prick!

"Be thou perfect"

- What type insecure asshole are you?
Betwext… what the hell… foreskin… sacrafice… what type disgusting God are you?
How about stop setting stakes and rules… okay… I already hate you… I don't need mistakes… to double my hate.
"Thee" - What the fuck?

Really… concept of money… what the hell… this modern type of bullshit in the early ages of the world we were giving chicken for bread… eggs for milk… that  was basically economy and definetly bible needs update of God… giant lizards… really?

This is your argument for dinosaurs!?
Rest your soul… wash your feet … what type of modern bullshit is this?

"And make cakes upon the heart"… - This shit does not make sense..  you fucking disgusting flesh eating bacteria… go stop alcohol… it's  definetly here… high levels of alcohol.
"They stood… they did eat"… How about go ambolish this bitch! I hate  moms… what more nasty and disgusting creature than a mom… in the holy grail and spirit… wise people have excuses to do terrible stuff.
I don't know… I don't say I know and I am not as ignorant as theists… but those tents and tent doors are like going on the road of wrong facts…

"Waxed old… should I have pleasure that my lord being is old…"

How about go on the road fuck you…and what type of pervert is to let humans to be with certain set of fantasies and in the same tine pervert out… above is watching… what's wrong with this dude… that dude… definetly needs a sentences… to pervert to be taken seriously… and people to respect him. Sorry, but child molestors… don't respect!

"Shall I have son"

What the hell… permission about multiplying... wasn't saod in the begining be fruitful and multiply… why now ask for permission… the world in that BC is too much… to much people are alive?

What happen with the other characters?
Oh yes… I know the answer… God ognorant and so far he has forgotten!

"I laughed not".… - This shit is contradicting… also learn grammar you disgusting pervert… that's my vision… old fat bearded…fuck… who is jobless.

"Lord… may… and lord say"

- Definetly… in all languages or whatever you look it like… looks like god is trying self-depication. You either may or say… you can't go with finishing sentence… probably the host with the vision … is some kinda bad…grammar student witha horrible grammar + probably blind and not ready for proper logical argument… religion is based on faith..  science on arguments… on logic.

"Abraham Stood… before God"

- This shit is crazy… you can't stay before a higher supreme being.

Righteous… means good people so far from what I read and understand there is destroy good people.
Why God wants 50… what's with the fetish wotj big numbers….

50… 45 .. 30… is that some kinda sell… God isn't as wise as we think he is!

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