четвъртък, 29 ноември 2018 г.

Comedy: Too Extended

By DeYtH Banger

Let me… babble… babble blable.. .some shit… have you read pick up?

Pick Up is a community where boys who are anti-social… shy.. .weird… become confident men… Unnatural act…

Think about it…

Let's chop of the dicks of all natural pick up guys… let's see how unnatural will be for them too go out…

With mindset

Mindset: "I am going out… but not fuckin…. Not fuckin.. my dick head is chop of…."

We are talking about massive IOS … AND DIOD. IOD… and all bullshit community media advice.

If somebody has been reading pick up advice..   he or she… or whoever gender is messing around should point out that it's funny…

I hate comedy… people.. . Say self-dedicating humor is fun…

Is fun…


Robin Williams - Killed himself - So far his jokes… went too far

Ralphie May - died
John Pinete - This fat fuck.. . Does also… remembered in the history as … angry fat guy

All this fucks were destroyed by their jokes…

By their jokes

How fun does it sound?

Burried in a coffin…

Re-Build that fuck - Architecture structure

I hate my mind and brain


- It's enough
- It won't happen
- It's not enough


When it starts…  this shit I am like "Are you finished, mother FUCKER?"

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